FIETSHANGAR offers a very practical, safe and durable solution for parking bicycles in inner-city areas. Where indoor parking is not possible and outdoor parking is not desired.
Meets the highest safety requirements and is burglar-proof.
Takes up limited space, to be placed on a single car parking space.
Is easy to use for anyone as young as 9 years old.
Designed for the future by attention in material use (98% circular).
Requires minimal maintenance with parts easily replaced.

FIETSHANGAR Is an asset in today's urban mobility approach. It promotes bicycle use, improves the livability and visual quality of our residential neighborhoods and work locations.
Serve the quality of our urban environment.
Facilitate citizens' sense of community and self-organization.
Fulfill the ambitions of the ’15 minute city’ walking and cycling as a dominant part of urban design and mobility.
Facilitate sustainable forms of mobility, partial mobility and chain mobility.
Fight and prevent cluttering of the streetscape.

FIETSHANGAR is the successful combination of social design and thoughtful engineering. Reliable, safe, easy to handle and simply beautiful.
The first bicycle-parking concept of its kind; a pioneer in concrete action to make mobility more sustainable.
Officially recognized as Dutch Design.
Available in different sizes, designs and colors.
The only one in their product group certified (SKG) as a 'take-away product'
Provides practical and quick (re)installation.
Is resistant to vandalism and any climate.

FIETSHANGAR Has more than 25 years of user experience. Meanwhile, nearly 2000 Fietshangars are proving their quality in 30 European cities.
Fietshangars have become a matter of course in Rotterdam.
Fietshangar knows how to guide municipalities in setting up pilot projects.
Fietshangar has learned to adapt quickly and flexibly to new social developments, changing (policy) opinions and increasing quality requirements.
Fietshangars have proven to be reliable, worry-free and very low-maintenance.